AccuTite and FaceTite

AccuTite and FaceTite Treatments

With new and improved treatment plans and rapid advancements in technology, you can get the tighter, firmer, more youthful look you desire without undergoing major surgery. AccuTite and FaceTite are up-to-date skin-tightening treatments that can give you a new look within the matter of a few short weeks to a few short months.

What is AccuTite and FaceTite?

AccuTite and FaceTite are in-office, minimally invasive procedures designed to tighten the skin and melt away excess fat. By taking advantage of thermal energy, these treatments can easily reverse the signs of aging, resulting in youthful, more natural-looking results. These two procedures are the most up-to-date facial refining and contouring treatments, typically used to treat areas such as the neck, arms, axilla and above the knees.

Benefits of AccuTite and FaceTite

In addition to the obvious benefit of getting the natural glow you desire, there are several other benefits you stand to gain by having the AccuTite or FaceTite treatment. Before you start to question your decision about the treatment plan, we’ve listed a select few of the many benefits below.

  • Minimally Invasive
  • Quick Recovery Time
  • Can Be Conducted In-Office
  • Reaches Larger Areas of Face and Body Without Major Scarring
  • Procedure Can Be Complete Within a Matter of 20 to 30 Minutes

What Can You Treat?

Sometimes it’s the smallest details that matter most, such as aging skin or wrinkles around the eyes. And while there are several areas of the body where you can experience skin aging much faster than others, such as the face, neck and arms, we have a solution. We’ve listed several areas of the body below that can be successfully treated by these two procedures below.

  • Facial Contouring – If you’ve noticed laugh lines, wrinkles, or any signs of aging in your face, AccuTite and FaceTite may be the perfect solution. With very little scarring after the procedure and results becoming visible quickly, you can get the youthful look you desire in a much shorter amount of time.
  • Skin Remodeling – When most patients hear skin remodeling, they often think of a major surgery that includes excessive scarring and extensive recovery time. These two skin refining procedures allow doctors to correct any skin aging you wish to have corrected without further damaging the skin or tissue.
  • Remodel Small Body Areas – The treatment is specifically designed to reduce fat and redefine the skin in smaller areas on the body, such as the knees. Other treatment plans are not far enough advanced to treat these smaller bodily areas.

How Does AccuTite and FaceTite Work?

There are several patients who become very nervous once they decide to undergo a skin tightening treatment; however, with modern technology, these two treatment plans can give you the results you desire without pain. Before the procedure begins, there will be an anesthetic applied to the areas being treated. With the anesthetic, the overall treatment will be easy to tolerate and will continue smoothly.

What Results Can You Expect?

If you aren’t ready to undergo a major surgery, these groundbreaking treatments can give you the results you desire without experiencing a lot of downtime or scarring afterwards. Depending on the condition of your skin and the treatment option you choose, the procedure can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. You can rest assured knowing your results will be visible immediately after, becoming firmer and more youthful as the days and weeks pass. You can finally get the smooth, natural appearance you’ve been dreaming of.

How Much Does AccuTite and Facetite Cost?

The overall cost of your treatment plan will depend on the office you visit for the procedure and the condition of your skin. Generally, the treatment will cost around $300 or $400; however, you will need to speak to your insurance company to see if they will cover any of the cost.

Why Choose Winston Salem Dermatology?

Not only do we provide patients with the most advanced treatment option available today, but we care about you and your skin. So, no matter if you’re looking to redefine your appearance, remove a questionable mole, or if you simply need a consult for a rash, we have everything you need here. You can call +1 (336) 774-8636 today to speak with one of our skin experts or you can visit our website for more information.


Winston Salem Dermatology & Surgery Center
1400 Westgate Center Drive,
Suite 200 - Winston Salem, NC 27103
Phone: 336.774.8636
Fax: 336.774.0265

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