Skin Care For Men

Skin care, medical dermatology, cosmetic dermatology and skin cancer surgery services for men of all ages.
If you’re anything like most men, you probably lead a very active life and don’t concern yourself with issues such as skin care. So, when a skin condition does arise, we know you’ll want a quick, effective, painless treatment plan. We offer several daily skin care plans that will help you meet those skin needs and take care of any future problems you may have.
We also offer medical dermatology, cosmetic dermatology and skin cancer services for men of all ages. You can continue playing tennis, going golfing and enjoy a day fishing on the lake without worrying about the health of your skin.
By learning how to take care of these issues now, you can prevent future skin issues such as wrinkles, red patches, brown spots, skin cancer and others. And if you’re already experiencing one or more of these conditions, we have a solution for those as well.
Book your Consultation with Janet today! Call ☎ (336) 774-8636

What Does Men’s Dermatology Really Mean?
From shaving your face to extensive sun exposure when outdoors, men often need a helping hand when it comes to giving their skin a little TLC. If you’re in need of some help with your skin care regime, you don’t need to look any further than Winston Salem Dermatology. While our skin specialists provide skin care treatments for men of all ages, they also help to educate each client on how they can continue their skin care after they’ve been treated.What Makes A Man’s Skin So Unique?
When it comes to the comparison of a man and woman’s skin, there are several significant differences. These differences affect the overall diagnosis, treatment and prevention of skin conditions in men. So, let’s take a closer look at what really sets a man apart from a woman when it comes to their skin.
- Thick-Skinned – Androgens, which are hormones like testosterone, are responsible for the overall development and maintenance of male characteristics. They also affect the overall thickness and texture of your skin. In fact, did you know that the outermost layer of a man’s skin is about 25% thicker than a woman’s? Wow!
- Higher Collagen Density – In addition to having much thicker skin, men also have a much higher collagen density than women. Some researchers believe this is a common reason why women age faster than men. Due to having a higher collagen density level, trying to find a reliable, efficient anti-aging skin care regimen for men is much easier.
- Sun Exposure and Skin Cancer – UV causes more damages than just fine lines and wrinkles. Overtime, if not treated or taken care of, sun exposed skin can become deadly. Be sure to wear a hat and shirt when in the sun for long periods of time, use a broad spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen and re-apply every 90 minutes. While these few tricks may seem pointless or aggravating at first, they could end up saving your life.
Types of Dermatology Treatments for Men
Here at Winston Salem Dermatology, we tailor each of our treatments and skin care regimens to help you look and feel more attractive, no matter your age. We’re also proud to say that if we do not have a treatment option for your condition, we’ll work with you to find one that does the trick. A few of the many skin care treatments we offer are listed below.
- Chemical Peels – We use chemical peels to treat rough skin, acne, acne scars, discoloration of the skin, sun-damage, blotchy complexions, fine lines and freckles. After this type of treatment, you can enjoy a smoother, more youthful glow.
- Laser Hair Removal – Our laser hair removal procedures can treat areas such as the face, ears, neck, chest, back, hands and most any other area on the body. If you have any unwanted hair and wish to get rid of it, you can easily do so with this treatment plan.
- Botox – Unwanted facial lines and wrinkles often affect both men and women as they age, especially if they have been exposed to the sun often or use tobacco. With Botox, often referred to as Brotox for men, is a neuromodulator that helps to relax the muscles and prevents them from contracting. In addition to providing customers with smoother, youthful skin, it has been found that Botox also improves the quality of skin.
- Fillers – Did you know that every year after you reach the age of 30, you lose a teaspoon of collagen from the face? Crazy, right? If you’ve noticed your facial features changing due to this, fillers can help restore that volume. It’s as if you can turn back the hands of time and reduce almost every sign of aging!
- Vanquish (Fat-Reduction Technology) – Vanquish is a new and improved treatment option for fat reduction. It uses a field-focused radio frequency to target fat without having to touch your body. It has been approved for deep-tissue heating, a method that is also known for targeting fat.
- Skin Tightening – Skin tightening is a new procedure that was introduced to the dermatology world within the last few years. It’s ideally used for treating the area under your eyes, neck, love handles, arms, abdominal area, knees, thighs and back. The procedure is slightly invasive but one of the most popular as it can deliver the results you desire in a short amount of time.
Skin Care Tips for At-Home Dermatology Treatments
The first thing you should take into consideration before trying any treatment is your skin type. By knowing what type skin you have, this will allow you to better understand your condition and what will best help it.
We understand how important skin care has become, especially for men who have never really treated their skin from home. We’ve offered a few skin care tips below to help you keep your skin looking great.
- Check each day for any abnormal changes in the color, texture and tone of your skin.
- Wash your face with oil-free products.
- Wash your face after all exercises.
- When shaving, shave in the direction of hair growth and use moisturizing shave cream to do so.
- Use face creams with protein or collagen.


Why Choose Winston Salem Dermatology?
Here at Winston Salem Dermatology, we care about much more than just treating small skin imperfections. We care about helping you restore that natural, youthful glow you once had. No matter your age and no matter your skin type, we guarantee you’ll get the results you need and desire when you partner with us. You can give us a call at +1 (336) 774-8636 or visit us at our main office in Winston Salem. Remember, your skin is always going to be our passion.
Winston Salem Dermatology & Surgery Center
1400 Westgate Center Drive,
Suite 200 - Winston Salem, NC 27103
Phone: 336.774.8636
Fax: 336.774.0265