Chemical Peels

Peeling Your Way to Rejuvenated Skin
Are you looking for a way to treat fine lines and wrinkles? Then a chemical peel could be just right for you! Don’t let the name scare you. This isn’t the same type of chemical peel that was popular in the 90s. Sure, it’s the same type of procedure, but chemical peels nowadays don’t hurt and leave your skin raw like they used to. The formulas have been refined with ingredients that diminish lines, build collagen, and improve your skin’s tone. Still not convinced? Here are some details on how you can peel your way to rejuvenated skin.What are Chemical Peels?
A chemical peel is a solution made up of chemicals that are applied to the skin. The chemicals in the mask will “blister” and eventually peel off. This will remove the top layer of the skin, allowing the skin to grow back smoother. While the peel is usually done on the face, it can also be applied to the neck, hands, arms, chest, and even legs. This can be done at different depths, from light to deep. The deeper the chemical peel treatment, the more dramatic results, but this also means longer recovery time.The Beauty Benefits of a Chemical Peel Treatment
Are you wondering if you’re a good candidate for a chemical peel? Here’s some good news: the peels are safe to use on every skin color without the risk of hyperpigmentation. And you can even customize your chemical peel results. Dermatologists have plenty of premixed combinations they can choose from to give you the results you’re looking for.
Here are a few things the chemical peel can do for you:
- Reduce fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth – The mask will help smooth these pesky wrinkles by resurfacing the skin. When the peel comes off, it will remove some wrinkles, allowing smoother skin to grow back in that area.
- Treat wrinkles caused by sun damage, and aging – The outer layer of the sun-damaged skin will be removed when the peel comes off. The new skin will replace the damaged skin with a smoother and less wrinkled appearance.
- Improve the appearance of mild scars – The acid in the peel removes damaged skin cells across the area that is treated. So, when the damaged skin is removed, new skin grows back evenly, reducing the appearance of scars.
- Treat certain types of acne – These peels go deep into the skin to unclog pores while also treating the surface of the skin for blackheads and acne scars. The salicylic acid that is used in the peel will linger in the pores and help keep them clear over time.
- Improve the look and feel of skin – Bumps, blackheads, and some scars will be peeled away during treatment. This will leave your skin with a new fresh layer that is smooth and refreshed.
Types of Chemical Peels
There are different types of chemical peels that you can choose from, depending on the issues that you want to get fixed. The experts at Winston Salem Dermatology will talk about the options with you and see which peel will work best for your skin type so you see maximum results.
Superficial Peels
This type of chemical peel uses mild acids to remove the outer layer of the skin. This peel is used to treat fine wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone, and dryness. For best results, you may need to have a light peel every two to five weeks.
Medium Peels
This peel is the way to go if you are looking to remove damaged skin cells. It will reach the middle and outer layer of the skin to treat wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven skin tone. You’ll need to repeat the procedure to achieve or maintain results.
Deep Peels
This peel is designed to remove deep wrinkles, scars, or precancerous growths. The peel will fully penetrate the middle layer of the skin to remove the damaged cells. Because this peel is so intense, you won’t need to repeat the procedure to get the full effect.
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Quick Quote
How is a Chemical Peel Done?
The chemical peel treatment will be done at your dermatologist’s office or an outpatient surgical facility. Before the procedure happens, your skin will be cleaned, your hair will be protected, and your eyes will be covered. What happens during the procedure depends on what type of peel you are having done.
Light Peel
The chemical solution will be added with a cotton ball, gauze, or brush. During the treatment, the skin will start to whiten, and you may even feel a slight stinging sensation. When the treatment is over, and the solution is removed, a neutralizing solution will be applied.
Medium Peel
After the chemical is applied, the skin will start to whiten, and your doctor will apply a cool compress. It’s common to feel a stinging or burning sensation for up to 20 minutes. Sometimes a blue color may be added to the peel. If this happens, your skin could have a blue coloring for several days after treatment.
Deep Peel
You will have to be sedated during a deep peel. During the treatment, the doctor will apply phenol to your skin, which will turn your skin white or gray. This procedure is done in 15-minute proportions to limit the skin’s exposure to acid.
What You Can Expect After Chemical Peel Treatment
- After a Light Chemical Peel – Recovery time is about four to seven days with this treatment. Your skin may appear lighter or darker, but this is only temporary. Your skin may also appear red, dry, and mildly irritated. But the good news is, the more of these peels you have done, the less noticeable those side effects will be.
- After a Medium Chemical Peel – Recovery time is about five to seven days, although you may have some redness from the peel that could last for several months. Your skin will form crusts and brown blotches before the new skin is formed. You’ll probably have to use ice packs and over-the-counter pain relievers to help with discomfort.
- After a Deep Chemical Peel – The recovery is pretty painful with a deep chemical peel. You’ll have severe redness and swelling, and you may even experience swollen eyelids. You may be prescribed pain killers to help get you through the recovery. You will have to soak the treated skin and apply an ointment several times a day for about two weeks. The new skin will develop in about two weeks, although white spots or cysts may last several weeks.
Chemical Peel Cost
You’re probably wondering how much these peels cost, right? Well, it depends on a few factors like where you get the peel done and the type that you want to do. The chemical peel cost can run as low as $150 and go as high as $3,000. The team at Winston Salem Dermatology can discuss the best peel for your needs and your budget. Keep in mind, chemical peels are considered a cosmetic procedure, so be prepared to pay out of pocket if insurance doesn’t cover it.
You’re in Good Hands with Winston Salem Dermatology
Trust us with the health of your skin. When you get a procedure with Winston Salem Dermatology, you’re in good hands with our team of experts. Diminish wrinkles, even your skin tone, and smooth out damaged skin with one of our chemical peels. We are here to help you decide the most appropriate treatment to fit your needs.
Don’t wait! Book your chemical peel treatment today with the preferred dermatology and cosmetic enhancement team at Winston Salem Dermatology. Call (336) 774-8636.
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Quick Quote
Winston Salem Dermatology & Surgery Center
1400 Westgate Center Drive,
Suite 200 - Winston Salem, NC 27103
Phone: 336.774.8636
Fax: 336.774.0265