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Do you love your face but hate the double chin? While it’s typically hereditary and often hard to reduce with diet and exercise, we have the perfect solution for your double chin. Kybella treatment is the first, and currently the only, FDA-approved injection that is used to reduce chin fat. And not only can it help reduce that excessive fat under the chin, but it can also improve your jawline and help you achieve a much younger look.

So, What is Kybella?

Kybella injections are a non-surgical treatment option that helps to reduce the excess fat under the chin and around the neck area. Since it is minimally invasive, it can be done in-office within a matter of minutes. After getting your Kybella treatment, you can expect long lasting results with very few side effects!

How Kybella Works to Reduce Fat?

The fullness under your chin that causes a double chin is also known as submental fullness. The Kybella treatment option contains an ingredient called Deoxycholic acid that helps to break down and absorb the fat to produce a more defined profile. These active ingredients also work together to destroy the fat cells, no longer allowing them to accumulate under the skin. Typically, it takes between two and four treatments to achieve full results; however, no touchups will be necessary after you achieve your desired results. During your appointment, you can expect the steps below to take place.

  • An initial consultation in the office
  • An examination to determine if Kybella is the right solution for you
  • Administering the injections according to your treatment plan, normally taking around twenty to thirty minutes

You Can Expect These Results with Your Kybella Injections

Your initial results can usually be seen within a couple of weeks after your treatment, staying visible for up to a month after your first injection. With each treatment after your initial appointment, you can continue to see improvement in the fat reduction. During your consultation, your dermatologist will speak with you regarding if you’re a good candidate for Kybella and how many treatments you will require for your results.

Get Rid of Your Excess Fat with Winston Salem Dermatology’s Solutions

We understand how difficult and frustrating it can be to go through life with a double chin, even after trying to hard to reduce it through diet and exercise. If your treatment plan hasn’t worked so far, let us take control and help you with our Kybella treatment option. You can call us today at +1 (336) 774-8636 to speak with our dermatologists regarding Kybella, or you can visit our website today for more information.

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