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Ultrasound Skin Treatment

Take Control of Aging Skin with Sofwave Technology

Sofwave TechnologyIf you’re a skincare fanatic, you’re probably familiar with the word collagen. If not, just know that collagen is the foundation that’s responsible for your skin’s youthful appearance. Collagen is what keeps our skin elastic and wrinkle-free. Unfortunately, when we hit our mid-20’s, we start to produce less collagen, and that’s when fine lines and sagging skin starts to show up.

We have good news though! There’s a new ultrasound skin treatment that is clinically proven to rebuild collagen to help you turn back the time on aging skin. And the best part? There’s no surgery or downtime involved! It’s called Sofwave.

What Exactly is Sofwave?

Sofwave is considered the next generation of wrinkle treatment. That’s because it is clinically proven technology with patient approved results that are pretty impressive.

But what exactly is this wrinkle treatment? Sofwave uses what’s called Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam Technology SUPERB. Simply put, it’s an ultrasound that heats the mid-dermal tissue to help rejuvenate collagen fibers. This will help your body produce more collagen to give you that younger-looking skin you’re looking for.

What are the Benefits of an Ultrasound Skin Treatment?

Sofwave is unlike other energy-based cosmetic procedures. You’ve probably heard of other treatments that are out there, but none of them have had the proven results that Sofwave has.

Other ultrasound skin treatments for wrinkles have been known to cause damage to the skin, which involves a little pain and some downtime. There’s also a high risk of side effects like skin discoloration, but not with Sofwave. With this unique treatment, there’s no downtime, and the treatment is safe and comfortable for most patients. And the good news doesn’t stop there! Here are some more benefits of getting this ultrasound facial treatment:

  • Treatment is quick and usually takes about 30-40 minutes. So, you can easily fit this treatment in during a busy day
  • Safe for all skin types
  • Patients are highly satisfied with the results
  • Safe and effective, no side effects
  • Clinically proven technology

What Areas Can You Target During a Treatment?

When you think of having a treatment done to tighten sagged skin and reduce wrinkles, you probably think of having this treatment done on your face, right? You absolutely can, but that’s not the only area you can target with Sofwave. You can use this non-invasive treatment to target specific areas.

Here are the areas where you can use Sofwave to lift, tone, and tighten skin:

  • Eyebrows
  • Chin
  • Jawline
  • Cheeks
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Below the arms
  • Knee area

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How Does Sofwave Ultrasound Therapy Work?

The tool that’s used during the procedure generates heat to the mid-dermis. You probably think this is painful, but it isn’t. There’s a cooling mechanism that’s installed to protect the uppermost skin layer, so you won’t have to worry about pain and skin burning.

The heat then stimulates a healing response that’s called neo-collagenases, which will increase and regenerate collagen in the skin.

It’s that simple! The entire treatment only takes about 30 to 40 minutes, and you won’t have to worry about any downtime to recover. So, you’ll be able to go on about your normal day after the procedure.

The process is painless too, because a topical anesthetic cream is applied right before the treatment starts. Some patients have said they feel a tingle or warming sensation during the procedure, but nothing painful.

What Can I Expect After a Sofwave Treatment?

This procedure is so quick and simple, you can do it on a lunch break! So, you can go back to work, continue running errands, or whatever it is that you had planned for the day.

Most patients see results as soon as one week after the treatment is done. However, sometimes the collagen regeneration process can take a little longer. So, some parents can see ongoing improvements over a 3-month span.

The majority of patients who have this Sofwave treatment done only need one session. However, depending on the elasticity of your skin and the type of results that you want to see, you may benefit by having another session done.

How Much Does Sofwave Cost?

It’s hard to give an exact estimate for a Sofwave treatment because it depends on your clinic and what areas you are going to have treated. If you want to know exactly how much your treatment will run, give Winston-Salem Dermatology a call. We are happy to answer any questions you have about Sofwave, including the costs.

Most Frequently Asked Questions About Sofwave Treatment

Now that you know just how amazing this Sofwave treatment is, you may have a few more questions. Here are the most asked questions that we get about this procedure.

  1. What is Sofwave?
    Sofwave is a new treatment that has been cleared by the FDA to treat fine lines and wrinkles. The process uses ultrasound waves to stimulate collagen production. There’s no surgery or downtime involved.
  2. How does a Sofwave treatment work?
    During the treatment, heat will reach the mid-dermis, which is the area where neo-collagenases will take place. This phase is when collagen is regenerated in the skin. After new collagen is created, you will have smoother skin and reduced fine lines and wrinkles.
  3. How long does a Sofwave treatment last?
    A full face and neck treatment usually lasts about 30-40 minutes.
  4. How long does it take to see results after a Sofwave treatment?
    Most patients start seeing results after just one week. However, sometimes the collagen regeneration process can take up to 12 weeks. So, some patients won’t see their full results for 3-months after their treatment.
  5. How is Sofwave different from other cosmetic procedures?
    Sofwave has a cooling mechanism built-in, so the top layer of the skin is protected and isn’t damaged or discolored like it is with other laser technology. There’s also absolutely no downtime needed.

Real Results with the Best Sofwave Treatments in the Triad

Are you tired of dealing with wrinkles or loose skin? It’s time to put the brakes on aging skin and start being comfortable with the way you look. Sofwave is an ultrasound skin treatment that is safe and effective. Are you ready to get the results you’ve been looking for? Give us a call at Winston Salem Dermatology today at (336) 774-8636. Let us help you take control of your skin with the best Sofwave treatment in the triad!

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Winston Salem Dermatology & Surgery Center
1400 Westgate Center Drive,
Suite 200 - Winston Salem, NC 27103
Phone: 336.774.8636
Fax: 336.774.0265

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