
It seems as if trying to look your best only gets harder as you get older. But with our new and improved Vasculaze treatment plan, you can get the young, beautiful appearance you long for. The Vasculaze procedure is typically used for leg and facial blemishes.
What is Vasculaze?
Spider veins and port wine stains are two of the most common vascular lesions experienced by men and women. The appearance of these conditions is often unsightly to those who suffer from them, causing them to seek out a proper from of treatment. Vasculaze is used to alleviate both facial and leg vein issues with a laser that specifically targets the blood vessels causing the blemish. The head of the laser is designed to pinpoint the vein or vein network, making the treatment both safe and precise.
Benefits of the Vasculaze Procedure
By opting to have the Vasculaze procedure, not only can you feel better about your appearance in public, but you can enjoy the smooth, youthful glow you had when you were younger. With this in-office procedure, you can rest easy knowing your vascular lesions won’t be able to affect your life any longer.
- High Peak Power to Target Hemoglobin
- Treatment with Pinpoint Accuracy
- Strong Contact Cooling
What Can Vasculaze Treat?
Patients who are experiencing blemishes and vascular lesions on their face and lower legs will often ask for a reliable source of treatment. But despite common belief, Vasculaze can also treat patients who are experiencing vascular issues on their arms and upper thighs.
- Alleviate Veins – Vasculaze pinpoints the particular vein network and treats the blemish with precise technique. It will heal the veins and alleviate the pressure they cause to your body, which is what makes them look more prominent to others.
- Spider Veins – Spider veins are a common vascular lesion that affects men and women of all ages. These thin, short veins can spread out among your legs, making them more than visible to those around you. This treatment option is perfect for treating spider veins, leg veins and facial veins.
- Various Body Areas – Though the face and legs are the most common areas to be treated by the Vasculaze procedure, it can also treat vascular issues on your arms, upper thighs and the back of your thighs. It cannot effectively treat varicose veins though.
How Does Vasculaze Work?
The Vasculaze procedure is done with a laser that uses high peak power to target the specific hemoglobin, damaging the pigment in the visible veins. After the veins are not able to carry blood, the blood will then reroute to another healthy vein. Once the treatment is complete, the treated veins will eventually die and will absorb into the body as waste.
If you are having a vascular lesion treated, the laser will break up the pigment so the body can absorb it. The length of the procedure will depend on the size of the areas being treated and how many areas there are. If a single vein is the only target being treated, it can take up to just a few seconds.
What Results Can You Expect?
Depending on how severe your condition is, you may require several treatments to achieve the best results. But you can rest assured knowing you’ll see improvement after the first session. While you should wear sunscreen on the treated areas, you can return to your normal life after the Vasculaze treatment.
How Much Does Vasculaze Cost?
The cost of the Vasculaze treatment will vary based on the size of the area being treated, how severe the condition is and how many treatments you will need to get the results you desire. For one single treatment, a general price range is usually $200 or $300; however, you can speak with your doctor about package pricing for multiple treatments.
Why Choose Winston Salem Dermatology?
Your skin, your life, our passion. We understand how difficult it can be to seek treatment for a skin condition when you aren’t exactly sure what the treatment consists of. However, here at Winston Salem Dermatology, we go above and beyond to make sure you get the treatment you need without experiencing an abundance of pain. For more information about our Vasculaze procedure and other treatments, give us a call at (336) 774-8636 or take a further look into our website.
Winston Salem Dermatology & Surgery Center
1400 Westgate Center Drive,
Suite 200 - Winston Salem, NC 27103
Phone: 336.774.8636
Fax: 336.774.0265